
Starting time code: 01:57:43

Ending time code: 02:01:14

Length: 211 sec

Beginning: beginning of sequence

Ending: ending of sequence

Outlines: no data

Completeness: complete, satisfying and uninterrupted

Structure: medley-montage

Shots: 10

Average shot length: 21 sec

Performance: song+dance

Number directed by: Norman Taurog

Performer(s): Gene Kelly , Vera-Ellen , Lena Horne , Tom Drake , Mickey Rooney , Perry Como

Cast: Mixed Race Cast

Stars who don't participate: no data


Diegetic spectators: yes + address

Diegetic status of the number: other

Diegetic status of the music: other


Topic(s): death , portrait , meta

Diegetic place: Broadway

Imaginary place: Undefined (but there is a projection in another place)

Ethnic stereotypes: no

Exoticism: not exotic

Music & dance

Song: I Wish I Were in Love Again , The Lady is a Tramp , With a Song in my Heart , Thou Swell , Where's That Rainbow? , Manhattan , Slaughter On Tenth Avenue

Musical ensemble: no data

Dubbing: no data

Tempo: no data

Musical styles: no data

Arrangers: no data

Dance director: Gene Kelly , Robert Alton

Dance ensemble: duet , chorus

Dancing type: no data

Dance subgenre: jazz , precision ensemble , theater dance

Dance content: no data


Source: borrowed from another stage show (Broadway, vaudeville, ballet...)

Quotation: impersonation , as himself / herself