
Starting time code: 48:42

Ending time code: 50:22

Length: 100 sec

Beginning: during sequence

Ending: during sequence

Outlines: nothing significant

Completeness: complete, satisfying and uninterrupted

Structure: simple

Shots: 8

Average shot length: 13 sec

Performance: song

Number directed by: Norman Taurog

Performer(s): Jack Oakie , Lyda Roberti , Henry Wadsworth

Cast: All White cast

Stars who don't participate: no data


Diegetic spectators: yes + address

Diegetic status of the number: no

Diegetic status of the music: no diegetic music


Topic(s): courtship-multiple partners

Diegetic place: no data

Imaginary place: none

Ethnic stereotypes: Other

Exoticism: caribbean

Music & dance

Song: Double Trouble

Musical ensemble: solo(s) , trio , chorus

Dubbing: Kenny Baker

Tempo: swinging ballad

Musical styles: Swing (Sweet) , Hollywood studio orchestra

Arrangers: no data

Dance director: no data

Dance ensemble: NA

Dancing type: swinging ballad

Dance subgenre: NA

Dance content: no data


Source: Original number created for the film

Quotation: nothing significant