My Fair Lady

Cover of the film

General information

Sample: true

Studio: Warner Bros.

IMDB link: tt0058385

Director(s): George Cukor

Release date (New York): 1964


Adaptation: adapted from a Broadway musical

Remake: false

Censorship / Reception

PCA Verdict on the first submitted script: acceptable

Censored Content: no data

States where the film was censored: no data

Legion of Decency: A1

Protestant Motion Picture Council: Family

Harrison's Reports: Family

Film Estimate Board of National Organizations: Adults – Mature Young People


PositionTitleStarting time codeEnding time codeLengthPerformers

Rows per page:


1-23 of 23

71 min
Running time for all numbers
170 min
Movie running time
4241 sec
Running time for all numbers
10200 sec
Movie running time
Ratio number/total length
184 sec
Average running time for the numbers in My Fair Lady
149 sec
Average running time for the numbers for all the movies

Timeline for structure
